Home Solar lighting blog Case studies Emergency Solar Lighting in Cambes: a Fast and Reliable Solution by Sunna Design

Emergency Solar Lighting in Cambes: a Fast and Reliable Solution by Sunna Design


As part of its commitment to enhancing its public lighting system, the municipality of Cambes, supported by the Gironde Departmental Syndicate for Energy and Environment (SDEEG), has opted for autonomous street lamps. Sunna Design’s solar solutions were chosen for this project, their extensive range effectively meeting the specific needs of the two involved areas.


  Road and street

    Cambes – FRANCE

  iSSL Maxi Road and UP 2

Lampadaire solaire éclairant la nuit à Cambes

Repurposing the Existing Infrastructure for Economical and Ecological Public Lighting


Initially, the first area in Cambes targeted for public lighting upgrades was the Halage Path along the Garonne River. The goal was to urgently provide reliable, easy-to-install, and cost-effective lighting in anticipation of a future comprehensive redevelopment of the Garonne banks. Indeed, the previous lighting network had suffered due to bank instability, exacerbated by the proximity of the Garonne, leading to the deterioration of the underground electrical network.


Moreover, on the riverbank, there are still poles in good condition, which could be reused following Sunna Design’s recommendations, avoiding high civil engineering costs and lengthy construction times. During these works, the commune also took the opportunity to revise the area’s lighting, thus providing minimal illumination pending major works. The lighting system was reduced from 17 to 5 autonomous street lamps equipped with motion detection.


The choice of street lamps fell on Sunna Design’s iSSL solar street lamp range, known for their lightness and ease of adaptation to existing setups, allowing for quick (under 5 minutes) and hassle-free installation. Installing iSSL Maxi Road was an effective initiative, ensuring optimal project implementation.

Lampadaire solaire éclairant une zone résidentielle à Cambes

Autonomous Street Lamps as a Solution to the Absence of Lighting Network


In Acacias Street, the issue is that of a residential area previously lacking a public lighting network. Installing a conventional lighting system under these conditions entails significant connection work (trenching, wiring, electrical panels), thus causing inconvenience to residents and high costs for the commune.


Here again, solar street lamps are the ideal response to the location’s specifics. Completely autonomous, they are easily installed on any terrain. Powered by solar energy, they require no network connection. This absence of civil engineering work also means not disturbing the trees around the installation site of this new public lighting system. Beyond the savings in installation costs, autonomous solar lighting also reduces the electricity bill to zero and continues to provide operational service in case of an electrical network outage, especially during extreme weather events.


The commune of Cambes is satisfied with the solar solutions installed along the Halage Path and Acacias Street: 6 iSSL Maxi Road and 2 UP2. The excellent value for money of these products makes Sunna Design a preferred local partner for renovating public lighting systems in Gironde.

  • Lampadaire solaire éclairant la nuit à Cambes
  • Lampadaire solaire à Cambes
  • Lampadaire solaire éclairant une zone résidentielle à Cambes
  • Lampadaire solaire à Cambes
Cambes, France
Mairie de Cambes
Product(s) used
iSSL Maxi Road, UP2

Which products for this field of application?

    Road and street Road and street Parking lot General Area
    iSSL Maxi Road is the most reliable and robust stand-alone solar lighting solution. This innovative product offers unparalleled performance and connected services with the SunnApp, and installs very quickly.   Do you have a similar project or any other project ? Talk to our sales team!    
    Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL Maxi Road Noir Lampadaire solaire Sunna Design iSSL Maxi Road blanc

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