Home Solar lighting blog News The SunnAPP now available

News   March 2023


The SunnAPP now available


The SunnAPP is a mobile app developed by Sunna Design to accompany its autonomous solar street lighting solutions. This app allows users to monitor the performance of their lighting equipment remotely and receive alert notifications in case of malfunction or failure. With the SunnAPP, users can track the performance of their Bluetooth-connected solar streetlights in real time.


In addition, SunnAPP allows users to monitor energy consumption in real time, set time programs, activate or deactivate lighting, access lighting history and view performance statistics, such as energy consumption, battery status and light intensity: this allows for a more efficient and personalized management of street lighting, responding to the specific needs of users and cities and rural sites.


In summary, Sunna Design’s SunnAPP is a practical and useful mobile application to monitor and manage its autonomous solar streetlights. It offers powerful, tailored and responsive management of public lighting, improving the quality of life and safety.


After Beta Testing with some partners, SunnAPP has been tested in real conditions to evaluate its efficiency and its use for the end users. The partners were thus able to provide important experience feedback to improve the solution before its official launch.

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