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About solar lighting


Solar lighting is an alternative to traditional lighting, in line with the challenges of our societies. Independent of the electrical grid, it is an autonomous, economical, reliable and sustainable solution for cities, suburban and rural areas. Discover how solar lighting works and how solar street lamps are a solution for the future of public lighting and the development of cities and territories today and tomorrow.

Lampadaire solaire d'une piste cyclable a Greenway Whittier

Solar streetlamps: an end-to-end ecological solution thanks to recycling

Eclairage public solaire d'un rond point en Colombie

Solar street lighting at the heart of the environmental & social impact of territories

Eclairage solaire urbain à Saint-Etienne

Solar powered urban furniture

Chaine de production et montage de panneaux solaires

Autonomy and anticipation, a response to the crisis

Summer solstice, a day to celebrate for solar street lighting

Solutions solaires en Afrique

Solar solutions to meet the challenge of energy access in Africa